Monday, May 18, 2009

A glimpse inside my mind

It is so hard to believe that I once was a girl who didn't really care what people thought of me. She's fighting so hard to come out right now. In case you never understood the name of my blog maybe you can try to understand it better now. I feel like there are so many complex dimensions to me...but not even 100% of me wants to believe that I am complex- a part of me wants so badly to believe that I am capable of being so simple, so down-to-earth that no one could ever really misunderstand me. More on this when I'm not at work...


  1. Embrace the person you are. Life is complicated enough without making things even more complex yourself. Your personality doesn't have to be the outcome of a face of a coin, it can contradict.. you can be simple and yet ever so complex, that's if you want.

  2. look forward to more of this.

    isn't being a woman fab? catch 22 eh?


"Hi, you've reached Blake, I'm not available to blog right now..." Jokes Leave me a comment though, and I will get back to you :)