Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rejoice! Blake is back!

I have to apologize for my lack of following and commenting action in the last few weeks. I don't know what got into me, but I fell off the blogging bandwagon!!!

So I'm back and more in touch than ever with a blogging app on my iPhone that is sure to ruin my eyesight and drain my battery quicker than I ever thought possible.

Here I go blogging on the job again... Not that it matters, because 3 girls have quit in the last week (have I mentioned JUST how frustrating that is) and no matter what I do now--- I'm the saint that has stayed with her through thick and thin.

The state of NJ has updated their tanning laws and want all tanning salons to register with the state by April 20th. This means there's going to be inspections and paperwork and lots of heartburn, sweat, and tears to get this place up to code.

Why? You might ask... Because I work for an absentee owner and a 20 year old immigrant who goes to school full time and works 50 hours a week can only do so much. I'm a good worker (if you discount my tendency to blog on the job) but I'm not a genie. I can't make certain decisions and sadly this business suffers because of it.

*sigh* if only you could fire or overthrow your own boss...

Till later, tell me how your weeks been!

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"Hi, you've reached Blake, I'm not available to blog right now..." Jokes Leave me a comment though, and I will get back to you :)