Thursday, March 5, 2009

Run to Write

I made a deal with myself to start running again & eating better today. I didn't expect my run to clear my head the way it did. This morning, I was adding people to my sister's facebook cause, and I noticed that I was still avoiding inviting certain people. Why? We need all the support we can get at this rate. Who cares if that person disliked me in high school? Who cares if they no longer acknowledge me in public? If they don't want to see me on their newsfeed, they should have deleted me by now. Today, I decided that I'm not going to be ashamed of where I come from, or what I am. Why should I be? These weren't my choices to make, and the only thing I'm trying to do now is get MY life together.

I tend to have an over-active imagination. My sister told me today that she thought we should contact the Congressman in NJ, Chris Smith to endorse the letters I'm going to be writing. My letters are going to be sent out to Oprah, The View, Tyra Banks, I mean I'll send them to anyone who's willing to listen and to shed some light on the flawed immigration system that my family (along with millions of other families) is suffering from. I'm even thinking of doing a small video segment. I want to show this country that even in some of the most affluent areas, illegal immigration is a major problem, that needs to be solved asap. I know some neighborhoods in this town where there are 16 people living under one roof, sometimes more! It's the only way these people can afford rent- now go ahead and tell me that it's humane. We don't even let animals live that way in this country! If no one else wants to take a stand and speak, well then I will. God gave me my gift of writing and made me a loud mouth of a reason, and today I think I know what it is.

I'll fight till the death of me, if need be.
But people will know my story. And my family's struggles will not go unheard.



  1. My neighbors are Hispanic and I think they have 20 people living in that house. I hear you though. Also writing my sons name would be the best gift anyone could do for me, and I will even have it posted on my blog. SO if you did happen to do it you can email me the picture at i would be SO SO GRATEFUL if you did that........Thanks for all your comments and can't wait to get to know you more!

  2. I would love to help,but I am not sure how to start. I am not a good writer as you probably already saw on my blog but I am willing to do anything possible for this cause.


"Hi, you've reached Blake, I'm not available to blog right now..." Jokes Leave me a comment though, and I will get back to you :)